Sean Nelissen
Sean Nelissen (Tiel, Netherlands 1996)
An artist practice is more than just creating. Sean’s practice has always revolved around reading, writing, and finding a way to bring art closer to day to day life. After seeing an interview with the owner of the Basie Jazz club in Tokyo, Shoji Sugaware, a shift had occurred within him. In the interview, Sugawara states that Conservatorium students always approached him with highly academic questions about jazz. Yet he found that they never truly embodied what jazz is. They did not live the “jazz” way of life. Inspired by stoicism, where the theoretical discourse is truly abjected, Sean became interested in bridging this apparent schism. Sean was always interested in distilling highly complex webs of knowledge into accessible renderings of the same topics. Whether this was done through performance, film, writing, painting, or sculpture, did not matter. Sean tries to make his viewers aware of the layer that one puts over one own’s life. The endless fascination for the duality in seeing and being, is one of the main motivators for Sean to keep on making. He aims to create not just a way of working, but more so, as a way of living. A way that truly embodies the “art” way of life. In this sense, anything can become a medium. Re-arranging household items on a tabletop, having a conversation, looking at people passing by, whistling a tune, getting up early or late in the morning, walking up and down a room. Nothing escapes the ability to become a medium. This fluidity of medium has been one of the main drive forces behind Sean’s practice. The question is always: how can I reframe the complexity of the theoretic dimension behind a distilled gesture? Through experimenting in ways of living and ways of creating, Sean has based a practice around this question.
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