Mi Jang

We Have a Landscape, Landscape Has Us
As I create directly on the space according to Corpo-Real's idea of pursuing practical experiences in a space, I have acquired that subtle differences such as textures, lights, structures, colors, and arrangements make a big difference in spatial sensibility. For me, It is intriguing whether immersive spatial sensitivities have been created in spaces.
The sensitivities I want to bring into spaces mainly come from nature. This project began with admiration and curiosity for the natural landscape surrounding our society.
We have an intimate landscape in our minds. The senses felt when looking at the vast landscape contain mesmerizing atmospheres and emotions that go beyond just other senses.
A Landscape Architect said, 'Landscape was original dwellings'. Evolutionary psychologically, the accumulated evolutionary data lived in natural environments unconsciously and intrinsically remains a core part of who we are today.
Living in different landscapes and climates far from my birth ground made me realize what was my original dwelling. The organically connected mountains, towering in their respective and distinctive shapes. A magnificently unfolding view of the mountain ranges by overlapping this mountain and that mountain. The intimate landscape has been our initial home. I, family, neighbors, and even ancestors who lived in, we may be sharing that landscape as each other's home.
The landscape unfolds, our space intertwined.
It merges with us, our presence aligned.
That's how we have the landscape and the landscape has us.
Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 7 mei 2024
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