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Brian Hermelijn
Brian Hermelijn


Brian Hermelijn is a designer that utilizes the language of art and design, to create the abstraction of the mind into reality. He utilizes tools like Blender for animation, Clipstudio for Illustrations, and the Adobe Suites to create his works. 

E Kaminda di Tera

With the progressive digitalization of our personal lives, we have begun to lose touch with the natural world and its importance to our mental and spiritual well-being. To reinvigorate this connection, the project E Kaminda di Tera (The Road to Earth) is a video art installation that utilizes the digital and physical space, to recreate an artificial abstracted natural environment. The installation invites viewers to experience vivid visuals, sounds, and scents that imply nature. It also emphasizes the limitations of such an experience compared to real-world natural elements. Ultimately, E Kaminda di Tera hopes to spark contemplation around nature's beauty and encourage people towards visiting nature themselves.

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 18 juni 2023

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