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Amber van den Heuvel Nelly catalogue material
Installation, film, performance. 2022

I know I am not alone.

But knowing and feeling are two completely things, are they not, my love?

I need to find a way to match what I know with what I feel.

You need to help me; I can’t do this by myself.

I want to feel, intensely, that we can be more than just me and you.

I want to feel, intensely, that we can be we.

That we have so much more in common than what first meets the eye.

If you would not have been there, never even existed, where would I then be?

Film still, 2022


Amber van den Heuvel’s artistry is inextricably linked with her 'being human'. She will never be just an artist. Because the theme of connection is extremely important to her as a person, it takes up a lot of space within her art practice. By connection Amber mainly means the connection between people and so she often involves others in her work. The work is rarely something that belongs to Amber alone, much more often it is collaborative. Amber sees that the importance of connection is often negated, and she therefore sees it as her task as an artist to connect and to show connection.

Her work is a constant research to whether connections can be made and what is needed on order to create them.

Photo calendar, 2021/2022

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 27 mei 2022

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