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MediaMusic student Joep did an internship at his own company.

  • Music

Joep, a fourth-year student in MediaMusic at ArtEZ Academy of Music in Enschede, texts, "My train is three minutes delayed, so I'm a bit later," just before this interview. That message turns out to be exemplary of everything he does. "I want to be reliable, stick to my commitments. I hardly ever say no, to sum it up: being decent and humble is very important to me. It literally ensures a good listening ear and a clear vision."

Joep van den Boom | Student MediaMusic profiel: Bands and Artist Producer
Joep van den Boom | Student MediaMusic profiel: Bands and Artist Producer

You can also see this in Joep's academic journey. When he was rejected during the admission audition for the bachelor's program in MediaMusic due to a lack of theoretical knowledge, a switch flipped: "I accepted the rejection, listened carefully to my coaches during the ArtEZ Connected preparatory program, which I then started, and hit the mark the second time. A year later, I was accepted, and I made a pact with myself: every opportunity I get to learn something, I say 'yes' to it." So, he said 'yes' to a coaching program with producer Jay van de Berg, and he said 'yes' to fellow students seeking collaboration for various projects.

Saying 'yes' to many opportunities quickly bore fruit, and Joep began successful entrepreneurship during his studies. When it was time to do an internship in the third year, he decided to present his dilemma to the head of the program: "I actually want to dedicate all my time and attention to my own business."

"Why not do an internship at your own company?"

The MediaMusic program follows the self-proclaimed crossfade principle. Crossfade is a term derived from music and film production, meaning a 'gradual transition,' such as between two scenes in a film or two audio fragments. The program uses this metaphor to explain how a student evolves into a professional. You start with basic knowledge, and under the guidance of teachers and professionals from the music industry, you quickly gain practical experience—spending hours in the studio, laying cables, recording bands, enhancing choirs, and more. When Joep approached the head of the program, Peter Leutscher, his response was, "Why not do an internship at your own company? We'll find a way. It will be fine."


"I also presented my dilemma to Andrew David, one of my teachers," explains Joep. "He discussed this with the Community of Practice of )2Lab Gelderland *." Tamara Rookus, acting head of the ArtEZ Business Centre (ABC) (one of the participants of O2LABGelderland), then pointed out the Top Entrepreneurs Scheme (TOR), facilitated by Saxion University of Applied Sciences. Joep says, "Tamara offered to support my ambition through the ABC by implementing this scheme as a pilot through ArtEZ Quality Agreements."

Looking back, I'm very happy that I shared my dilemma with Peter Leutscher (head of MediaMusic) and that it turned out this way. I see it as an advantage of such a small academy like the ArtEZ Academy of Music in Enschede. You're not just a number here. You're really helped in a way that suits you as an individual."

Successful project 

"As far as I'm concerned, the pilot is a successful project," says Joep. "Besides the fulfillment of my internship period, I also got to know other entrepreneurs in a similar situation through LevelUp." LevelUp is a program component of the TOR that lasts a total of 19 weeks. "At LevelUP, I received coaching and support for the development of my business plan, among other things," Joep continues. "Looking back, I'm very happy that I shared my dilemma with Peter (head of MediaMusic) and that it turned out this way. I see it as an advantage of such a small academy like the ArtEZ Academy of Music in Enschede. You're not just a number here. You're really helped in a way that suits you as an individual."

Want to make use of the Top Entrepreneurs Scheme?

To qualify for the Top Entrepreneurs Scheme, you need to submit your application to the head of your course. They will then contact ABC to explore the possibilities.

Students are eligible for the TOR when they:

  • Are registered with the Chamber of Commerce or will do so soon
  • Have a business plan or are planning to write one, possibly with the help of ABC
  • Have a realistic chance of generating revenue


*O2LABGelderland is a collaboration between Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Van Hall Larenstein, HAN University of Applied Sciences, and ArtEZ. Participants in this community share knowledge and experience in the field of entrepreneurship education.