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Social safety at ArtEZ

ArtEZ is committed to an inclusive and safe learning and working environment for every member of the ArtEZ community. In a world that seems increasingly polarised, inclusion and diversity cannot be taken for granted. Whether we are talking about institutionalised discrimination, the existence of social and societal inequality, prejudice, or the fact that minority voices are not listened to: it is more important than ever to firmly put inclusion and diversity on the agenda in all areas of our organisation.

Foto: Christein van Hoffen
Foto: Christein van Hoffen

We remain in contact and dialogue with all the ‘voices’ in our community: both those who take a step forward and those who remain in the background. We formulate not only what we are against, but also precisely what we advocate. We equip our lecturers, students and members of staff to engage in this discussion.

It is more important than ever to respect differences, celebrate differences and in so doing prevent exclusion. The notion of inclusion refers not only to ethnicity or origin, but also to invisible factors, such as psychological conditions and mental well-being, and other views and beliefs, even if we do not share them. ArtEZ wants to provide a learning and work environment that is safe in every sense of the word.As an institute, ArtEZ wants to actively work for inclusion and diversity. We have therefore taken the initiative to develop the Social Security Code for arts education.

We promote the following principles in relation to this topic:

  • We remain in dialogue with each other
  • We welcome different perspectives, voices and opinions
  • We show respect for each other’s background, positions, points of view and interests
  • We show solidarity with each other and look out for each other
  • We continue to engage in these difficult conversations and to seek connection

Who can you contact?

Student counsellors

The student counsellors are there for you to discuss various topics in confidence, be it your study progress, other study issues or questions of a personal nature. Click here for more information.

External confidential counsellors

Employees or students who feel confronted with undesirable behavior in their work or study situation, such as bullying, discriminatory remarks or (sexual) harassment, can turn to an external confidential advisor. This confidential counselor is also the place to turn to for alumni.

Complaints Desk

ArtEZ offers one complaints office for all complaints, disputes, and mediation. A student or employee who is confronted with undesirable conduct, or who experiences a dispute with the organization, a manager or colleague, or who feels disadvantaged because of a decision taken by a head, director or board, can report this to the Complaints desk (in Dutch: Klachtenloket). This office will give confidential advice on which person or body to turn to for help. Complaints can be submitted by email to: complaintsdesk@artez.nl

Read more about social safety, inclusion and diversity at ArtEZ: