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Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity at ArtEZ

The Vereniging Hogescholen signed the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity in 2018. This code of conduct lays down five key principles that form the basis for fairness and integrity in research: honesty, scrupulousness, transparency, independence, and responsibility. These principles are further developed into specific standards that define appropriate practices for research which researchers and other stakeholders must adhere to. By implementing this code of conduct, universities of applied sciences have committed themselves to these responsibilities and duties of care.

Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity  at ArtEZ

Joint Committee for Scientific Integrity

Seven universities of the arts in the Netherlands, including ArtEZ, have joined forces and established a joint Committee for Scientific Integrity. The committee has been created to ensure a working environment in which adequate research practices are followed, as this is an essential prerequisite for integrity in research. By working together, a broad expertise in practice-based research in the arts is effectively represented and expanded. The Committee processes complaints about alleged violations and advises the Executive Board accordingly. You can find more detailed information about the complaints procedure in the Complaints Procedure for Scientific Integrity. This regulation has been signed by both ArtEZ and all other participating universities of the arts.

De commissie is per 1 januari 2023 van start gegaan en heeft momenteel de volgende samenstelling:

- Peter Sonderen (chair), ArtEZ University of the Arts
- Jeroen Boomgaard, Gerrit Rietveld Academie
- Paul Craenen, HdK Den Haag
- Job ter Haar, Codarts Rotterdam
- Michiel Schuier, Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (AHK)
- Henk Slager, HKU Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (HKU)
There is currently a vacancy for the member from Design Academy Eindhoven.

Susan Klaver from HKU has been appointed as official secretary to support the committee. She can be reached via the committee’s general e-mail address: cwi-kuo@hku.nl. External stakeholders can also reach out to the committee via this route.

External Confidential Counsellor

ArtEZ has appointed a confidential counsellor for scientific integrity, namely Marian Adriaansen (Marian.Adriaansen@han.nl). Both staff and students of ArtEZ can contact her with questions or complaints regarding scientific integrity. If you have any doubts about the fairness or diligence of research here at ArtEZ, the confidential counsellor can advise, mediate or help determine next steps.

Important to note is that the confidential counsellor is completely independent and has no further affiliation with ArtEZ as an educational institution. Your question or complaint will therefore always be treated confidentially and further steps will only be taken with your consent.