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Subsidy guide

To create work, carry out a project and earn a living, you need money. You can sell your work, work on commissions, apply for a grant or a fund, start crowdfunding, find a sponsor, trade, apply for a loan, or combine these different possibilities. Below you will find filtered per field of work which options are helpful after your studies at ArtEZ. Read the practical tips below about how you can start finding money to realize your plans.

Subsidy guide


  • Have insight into precisely what you want to apply for and how to earn money. What and who do you want to reach? Are you organizing a project, or do you want to develop your work? Are you going to collaborate or continue studying abroad as a musician? You can also think about whether you want to bet the money for a short period, or you already might have thought about what you would like to do in a few years.
  • Compare what others have done with which financing. How do your work and your idea differ from that of others?
  • There are often several options to find the proper subsidy. Look at your work and plan what the best options are.
  • You can find more tips on the website of the Kunstenbond,and Beroepkunstenaar.nl. The website Cultuuracademy shares, among other things, useful tips about crowdfunding.