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Once graduated, you'll begin a new chapter of your life. Graduating means entering the world. The years at the academy were all in preparation: this is the real deal. But so shortly after graduating, it can be difficult to get a sense of what exactly that 'real deal' is. We can't tell you how to live your life as an artist. But you can read or listen how others have done it.



Als je werk de wereld in gaat (‘when your work goes out into the world’)

Some entrepreneurship lessons you learn along the way, but other things you’d rather learn while you are still studying. Lisa Weeda, Julius Thissen and Bram Bogaerts are a writer, a visual artist and a designer, each with their own professional practice as entrepreneurs. In this series, they talk about how they built up their professional practice after graduating in 2015. They describe their highs and lows and how they overcame them.
Listen to this series if you are a student at an art academy, if you are building your own practice or if you teach art education. Lisa, Julius and Bram also have tips for today's educators (in Dutch only).

Dit klinkt heel onaardig, maar ik denk wel dat je moet begrijpen dat niemand op je zit te wachten als je bent afgestudeerd.
Lisa Weeda

Ik denk ook dat we studenten heel realistisch, heel nuchter moeten voorbereiden: ‘Hé zoek die bijbaan.’
Julius Thissen

Ik heb wel het idee dat de moeilijkste momenten die we hebben gehad, dat die ook wel hebben geleid tot inzichten en dat we daar ook van geleerd hebben. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.
Bram Bogaerts