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Theory in the Arts Professorship
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Werkplaats Theorie

Werkplaats Theorie

Werkplaats Theorie is a workplace that strives to reduce the divide between theory (making) and creative work (making). It is a multidisciplinary place where you as a student can go with all kinds of questions, just like the other workplaces.

You can go for individual advice or discuss and present your research questions with students from all kinds of disciplines. The Werkplaats is also a platform for alumni who want to share and/or discuss their current research practices. The Werkplaats also offers workshops in which experiments are conducted with different forms of research. Werkplaats Theorie works together with the  ArtEZ Library. Werkplaats Theorie offers the following activities:


To help you do research, the Werkplaats offers workshops with research as the theme. Examples of workshops: 

  • When is a question suitable for research and how can I work with a more intuitive question?
  • How can I place my research in the world outside the study program?
  • What types of research are there and which one is right for me?
  • How can I use my own creative work and that of others in my research?

Personal Coaching 

Research is part of the curriculum of your program. Sometimes you run into things that you find difficult or you are stuck with research. You can then go to the workshop for an individual counseling meeting of twenty minutes to help you further with the research that you are doing for your study.

During the conversations you can discuss things like: how do I make this question easier to research, or less academic? As a creator of creative work, how can I relate to this research? How do I write a research text and how to make it enjoyable for myself?

De Werkplaats Theorie is a workshop that aims to reduce the gap between theory making and creative work and is located in Arnhem. The coaching conversations are held on Tuesday between 13:00 and 14:00 in the media library in Arnhem, are open to all bachelorstudent and last 20 minutes.

Interested in a Personal Coaching session? Contact us via theory-workshop@artez.nl  


Werkplaats Theorie organizes meetings around one theme, in which the participants and supervisors collaborate in searching for new knowledge and methods in the field of artistic research. Examples of experiments from the academic years 2020-2022:

Voorbeelden van experimenten uit de studiejaren 2020-2022

  • A collaboration with performance artist Martina Curdova and theater maker Francesco Ridolfi in which participants explored how you can create stories starting from the body.

  • Participants investigated how practicing different cognitive abilities (thinking, feeling, observing, imagining) can lead to a variety of interpretations of a story.

  • Reading group that investigated how you, as a maker of creative work, can interact with theoretical texts using playful techniques.

  • A series of online meetings where participants investigated the influence of graphic user interface on collaborative storytelling.

Deelmomenten (try-outs)

Would you like to talk to other students about your work? Or are you stuck with research and need a sounding board? March 9th and 16th, the Werkplaats Theorie and the Mediatheek organises try out evenings. Try out evenings are an opportunity to share your creative work and to talk about it with other students. The emphasis will be on the exploration of research in your artistic practice: how am I as an artist engaged in research? How can I talk about the creative work of others in a way that helps them and me? The Werkplaats Theorie is organized by the professorship Theory in the Arts and aims to reduce the gap between research and artistic practice using playful research methods.

The tryout evenings will take place in the lounge of the media library on March 9th and 16th from 17:00 to 18:30. During the try-out, English and Dutch will be spoken, depending on the work shared. There is room for 10 students. Do you want to participate in this evening? Then sign up at theory-workshop@artez.nl and indicate whether you want to share or just listen and talk.

Reading group

In Februari and March the Werplaats Theorie organises a reading group on the themes of ecology, hypocrisy and speculative fiction. We will explore these topics in contemporary fiction and non- fiction texts. Texts will be read from, among others: Donna Haraway, Ocean Vuong and Timothy Morton. The reading group will take place in the lounge of the media library on the 8th of Februari, the 1st and the 22nd of March and the 12th of April from 17:00 to 18:30. The readling group will be in English. There is room for 10 students. Do you want to participate in this reading group? Then sign up at theory-workshop@artez.nl and indicate whether you want to share or just listen and talk.



For activities of Werkplaats Theorie, you can contact theory-workshop@artez.nl. Announcements will be made on Intranet and by e-mail.

 The Workshop Theory is an interdisciplinary learning environment that is part of the Theory in the Arts professorship.