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Fine Art

Ready to get started as an artist or teacher? At ArtEZ, you will develop your own critical view of the world through sculpture, painting, installation, film, photography, performance or sound.

Fine Art

Why choose Fine Art at ArtEZ?

Room for experimentation

Challenge yourself and take risks! There is plenty of room for experimentation at ArtEZ.

Creative environment

You will work together with students from other disciplines. Inspire each other and keep each other on their toes!

Excellent facilities

You will work in specialised workshops under the supervision of experienced instructors.

Experienced lecturers

Your lecturers will be internationally active artists, art critics and curators.

For all creatives

Are you more of a maker or a teacher? Perhaps both? At ArtEZ, you will have the opportunity to discover what suits you best.

Platform to showcase your work

Share your work with the world! At ArtEZ, you will have all sorts of opportunities to exhibit your work.