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Welcome to Pleasure Island

  • Fine Art
  • Design
  • Creative Writing
  • Music
  • Dance
  • Theatre

Pleasure Island is an annual interdisciplinary project in which 200 Arnhem first- and second-year students from the seven performing arts bachelor courses are mixed and matched together into creative groups for a week. In every group, there are theater, dance, music, creative writing and fine art students – one big creative hotbed, in other words. And what happens when you put students from all these disciplines together? Read on below to find out!

Welcome to Pleasure Island

In April 2022, students from the Bachelor programmes in Arnhem: Jazz & Pop, Music Theatre, Dance, School of Acting, BEAR Fine Art, Composition for Film and Theatre and Creative Writing, collaborated at a location outside school, under external artistic supervision provided by Zuhause. Each group worked together for a week on a exhibition that was then presented to the public at the end of the week. And this year, we were finally able to do that in-person and on location again! The process is everything and the results speak for themselves:

You learn to look at things in a different way. If I saw the people from my group walking around school again now, I would ask them when we are going to make something together again.

Esmee, Music Theatre student

Creating, creating, and creating again

Students learn an extraordinary amount from the Pleasure Island project week. In the beginning, working with students from other disciplines is simply a thrill. Once it’s done, you have become artistically much richer from a unique experience like this. Collaborating with students from other programmes can be inspiring for your own practice, and furthermore, you make connections for life. You also experience going through the creative process at lightning speed and are pushed to examine it from different angles.


Start as soon as possible. Get on the floor, start creating and above all, have fun.

Davey Bakker, artistic supervisor, Zuhause

Discover the bachelor courses

Are you interested in studying one of these Arnhem-based programmes? Find out more below about:


It was nice to put away my training for a while and just create.

Milou, Creative Writing student