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Professorship for Art education as Critical Tactics
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All professorships   Paul Verschuur

Paul Verschuur

Paul Verschuur

Paul Verschuur is a teacher of music theory and a study counsellor for Fontys University for the Arts (Rockacademie). He has also been active as a performing and producing musician for 20 years. Currently, as part of the Master of Arts Education program, he is doing research on Art-Based Learning.

How can Art-Based Learning with visual art, based on the methodology of Jeroen Lutters, be translated into Art-Based Learning with music as an art form, which is meaningful for students in higher music education? In collaboration with various musicians, Paul produced new music, which led to an Art-Based Learning workshop with music. The workshop was successfully done for several times with teachers and students from higher music education or arts education programs.

Read more about this research at https://ablmuziek.nl