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Fashion Design
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After graduation

After graduation

The Bachelor in Fashion Design in Arnhem trains you to be a driven, highly qualified fashion designer with your own style. After graduating, you have good professional knowledge, and you can start work as a fashion designer, stylist or fashion illustrator.

Title and diploma

After successfully completing the ArtEZ Fashion Design course, you may use the title Bachelor of Arts (BA).

This course may be found in the Dutch Central Register of Courses in Higher Education (CROHO) under code 39111. The formal name of the course, by which it is known in the CROHO, is Bachelor of Design. This CROHO name will appear on your diploma.

I love solving puzzles, problems. You need to keep looking for new openings. Every collection is a learning curve. And I need that.

Iris van Herpen, former student, in De Stentor 11 July 2020

Starting work

After the Bachelor's in Fashion Design, you can work as an independent contractor or in team context at a company as a fashion designer, stylist or fashion illustrator. There are many options. Besides working in couture, you can also work in the denim industry or specialise in patterns or in fabrics and designs. Some of our alumni eventually start their own clothing range.

Many of our former students have made a name for themselves nationally and/or internationally after graduating.

Continuing your studies?

After the Bachelor in Fashion Design, you can also continue your studies in a national or international Master course, such as the Master Critical Fashion Practices or a Master course in London, New York or Paris.

Toile de Luxe, Danny Feng (FD4), photo by Nina Schollaardt