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What if you could apply auto-complete to type designs?

  • Design

Benjamin McMillan graduated from the bachelor Graphic Design in Arnhem. In a video, he tells us about one of his projects where he researches whether you can automate type design. “The two fascinations I started with at the beginning of this project were type design and automation. More specifically, I was interested in auto completions. Like similar to that on a phone when you type random letters and the computer tries to figure out what that word would be. And then it fills it in for you. I was interested in how that could work in combination with type design.”

What if you could apply auto-complete to type designs?

He wanted to know if you could sketch something and whether something can form by assistance of a machine. Just like words do on our phones when we type in random letters. “I didn’t want that you can just ask a machine to design a typeface for you. For me, that wasn’t so interesting or fun. I wanted it to be that you could actually take part in it and then the machine would just help you along.” In the video, we see that his project consists of three steps: there’s the sketching, the digitalizing of the sketches via a machine, and the producing of a download button on a website with which you can download the typeface on your computer.  

During the bachelor Graphic Design in Arnhem you experiment with language and images. The course curriculum consists of four basic subjects: typography, design based research, digital media and media theory & philosophy. You get to experience project weeks, you participate in workshops, and you go on excursions. You graduate doing your own research project. You are trained to become a graphic designer.  

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