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Artisteducator in Theatre
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During the Theatre in Education course you will experience theatre making, acting and learning. As a theatre teacher, you will communicate your knowledge and passion for theatre to various groups of people.

A different view of the world through theatre

Theatre can be a source of meaning and inspiration through lessons, projects and educational programmes. This is crucial, as theatre offers both young and old a chance to view the world from a different perspective. Theatre appeals to multiple senses simultaneously and at different levels of thought and emotion. Theatre is emotion unleashed, but is also rational. It is entertainment, but good theatre also provides food for thought. Theatre allows us to view society critically, but also brings recognition to disadvantaged or misunderstood groups in society. In short, it is a noble profession!

Ensemblevoorstelling WIJ - Tweedejaars Docent Theater i.s.m. Klare Taal

Intensive programme

Deciding to take this course must be a well-thought-out decision of which you are wholly convinced. The course is tough in the sense that it will command your full focus. If you aspire to make theatre your profession, then full immersion in the course is a must. Theatre is your foundation on which you will build the comprehensive set of skills you will need to acquire as a theatre lecturer. This includes theatre-making, acting and teaching. From the outset, you will develop the skills you require to properly teach in your chosen field and will develop your vision for your field and profession.

What makes the Theatre in Education course in Arnhem so unique?

‘A great deal of attention is given to individual students through a mature approach and targeted focus on the theatre profession.’ These are answers to the question posed to first-year students as to why they chose the Theatre in Education course in Arnhem. In Arnhem, you will begin by learning to work in a team. At the end, you will graduate as an authentic theatre lecturer with your own distinct style. You will learn to work from the here and now. The course always mirrors contemporary developments. Once you graduate, you will be capable of tackling anything in your field and bringing it to a successful culmination.

Interdisciplinary collaboration

Collaboration and an enterprising attitude are integral throughout the entire course. Students of the Bachelor’s courses Art and Design in Education, Music in Education, Dance in Education and Theatre in Education all follow ArtEZ’s interdisciplinary programme. You will work on practice-oriented projects which focus on linking the various art disciplines. This interdisciplinary approach will provide you with a broad and solid foundation for your future professional practice, both in education and beyond.