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Music Theatre in miniature

This is the smallest stage in Arnhem! Small for a reason, because it has to fit on the back of Willemeen TV's bicycle. Willemeen is one of Arnhem's pop stages. With this tiny stage, Willemeen travels to the favourite hotspot of an artist, to make a registration of a performance. This time, it's Guido Hoek's turn. On the banks of the river Rhine, the Music Theatre student plays a special cover of the song 'Monkberry Moon Delight' by Paul McCartney, his great musical hero.

Music Theatre in miniature

"I like music to be beautiful, but I also like it to be a bit raw. Monkberry Moon Delight by Paul McCartney is one of the first songs where I could play the piano and shout while singing. It's also a super-acoustic song, so I thought it would be funny to play it on the most simple synthesizer set there is. Enjoy!"