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Academy of Pop Music
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Use your voice sensibly. That is key to the vocals major. Your vocal chords are part of your body. You therefore receive training in vocals, movement and voice training (such as Estill Voice Training System and Complete Vocal Technique).

Besides technique, the lessons focus on expanding the various styles you are trying to master. There is also a lot of attention for performing in a band. The theory and extensive practice prepare you to perform optimally as a singer in practice.

Admission requirements vocals

We expect a considerable level at the start of your study to ensure that you can complete your study in four years at the desired level. We test your level and development potential during the admission. The following is expected of you:

  • Playing at least two stylistically different pieces which represent what you can do.
  • Singing / reproducing a song: a fragment is played that you need to sing as quickly as possible by ear.
  • Read notes / sing from a sheet of a simple melody.