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Academy of Pop Music
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After graduation

After graduation

Once you have graduated, you are ready to start work in pop music. Your graduation project is also your introduction to pop music. Whether that is a performance, album, label or business that you present as a graduate.

Title and diploma

After graduating from the Academy of Pop Music, you may use the title Bachelor of Music (BMus).

This course may be found in the Dutch Central Register of Courses in Higher Education (CROHO) under code 34739. The formal name of the course, under which this study is known in CROHO, is Bachelor of Music. This CROHO name will appear on your diploma.

Krystl and Jeangu Macrooy are former students of the ArtEZ Academy of Pop Music

Starting work

Graduates from the Academy of Pop Music find work in various areas. Obviously as a performing musician, but also as a musician with your own label or in a booking office. Most graduates from the Academy of Pop Music (90 percent) find work in the industry. Well-known former students are Jeangu Macrooy, Krystl, Miss Montreal, Stefany June, Luxuslaerm and Nils Krake.

Further studies

You can also continue to do a Master's. The Sound of Innovation is a Master's programme which is a perfect follow up to the Academy of Pop Music. In this Master's, you can specialise further in the direction that most appeals to you. You can also do the two-year Tailor-Made (BA) Music in Education for a first-level teaching qualification in mainstream education.