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Final Hannah Jankuhn - Jazz & Pop Zang

  • Finals

Tussen maandag 3 juni en woensdag 3 juli 2024 voeren alle afstuderende studenten van de opleidingen Jazz & Pop, Muziektheater, Compositie voor Film en Theater (CFT) en de Master of Music van het ArtEZ Conservatorium Arnhem hun afstudeervoorstellingen op.

Alle eindexamens zijn gratis voor publiek van buiten ArtEZ. Voor sommige eindexamens moet een (gratis) ticket worden gereserveerd. Als dit het geval is, wordt dit op de uiteindelijke webpagina aangegeven.

ArtEZ Conservatorium Utrechtsestraat 85 Arnhem

Dit is een ArtEZ finals event

Naar finals website
Final exam Hannah Jankuhn - Jazz & Pop Voice
Final exam Hannah Jankuhn - Jazz & Pop Voice

Growing up to daddy’s techno music, Hannah Najia as a toddler would ride her little bike constantly through the studio, couldn’t be kept away. Today she is riding the scooters through the streets of Berlin still completely enveloped by music on her headphones, trying to look where the fun is. If you listen to Hannah Najia’s music, you feel like there is something exciting about to happen, right around the corner. Contributing to it, makes you part of her friend circle. She is a big fan of fashion and sees music in connection with it, as she visions to appear in a magazine with her upcoming Pop Electronic album. Hannah dreams big and imagines her own life as a real life barbie action figure, seeing the good in life by being her own hero. 

With groovy beats and sensitive lyrics, she captures the moods of the places and moments where she is. It's about honesty and authenticity going through the highs and lows of life. Through choreographies by Vince de Cock, everything becomes alive, when she is on stage with Victor Hildebrand, Marius Holland and her band.

Marius Holland - Keys & Piano
Joshua Ogboko - Bass
Tarik Mujadzic - Guitar
Zoë van Beek - Drums
Gilles Vink - Trumpet
Camilo Bastidas - Saxophone
Moritz Beck - Trombone
Büsra Ayhan & Mila Kapaun - Backing Vocals
Victor Hildebrand - Live Electronics
Vince de Cock - Dance Choreographer


