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SPOTTED: Fashion Design graduates bring fantasy to the fashion industry

  • Design
  • Fashion

Benji Nijenhuis and Nemo Cheminée met each other during their first year at the bachelor’s course Fashion Design in Arnhem. They decided to work together and build their own costume design studio: The Nightmare Disorder. How are they doing now, three years after their graduation? Amsterdam Fashion Week wrote all about what they’ve been up to.

The Nightmare Disorder, photo by Loisy Cohen
The Nightmare Disorder, photo by Loisy Cohen

Benji and Nemo are not just partners in work, they are also partners in life. They’ve known each other since the first year of ArtEZ. Halfway through the third year, they both started an internship that made them change the way they view what they want to add to the fashion industry.

Birth of a vision

Nemo: “Before, we both had a very strong feeling that there is not a lot more to add to an industry that is already so overstimulating. During our internship we came to the conclusion that we don’t necessarily want to become a part of an existing design team or work for the designers we were interning at. We found that we do have a voice and things to add that are worth exploring.”

Setting up a brand

Benji: “During the graduation year, you start noticing where the different fascinations of people lie and how everyone views the fashion system. Nemo and I always received similar feedback from teachers and quickly found out that we had that same vision on the industry. We also really found each other in our way of working. As a result, we’d grown a lot together and decided that we wanted to set up our own brand.”

Dreams about Tim Burton

Benji: “We’re always trying to get one step closer to the world of fantasy movie costumes since that’s the original goal we had with The Nightmare Disorder. The ultimate dream is to design costumes for a Tim Burton movie. We see the debut collection as a portfolio for the film industry. Apart from that there’s lots of things we’d like to try, and we will also continue to design International drag costumes and manifest interesting collaborations.”