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Exploring fragility and design aesthetics

  • Design

Rik Kauffmann, a graduate from Crossmedia Design at AKI ArtEZ in Enschede, dives into the themes of vulnerability and fragility through his finals work: “I use the chair as a central metaphor for the human body. I like to reveal the beauty in imperfections and challenge conventional notions of perfection. 

Rik Kauffmann, DRIE, photo by Lars Smook
Rik Kauffmann, DRIE, photo by Lars Smook

The power of design: balancing fragility and aesthetic appeal 

Rik’s work has a designer-oriented, polished look that draws the eye in. It demonstrates the powerful interplay between vulnerability, fragility and design. “The concept of the Ensō circle and wabi-sabi are a big inspiration to me. In Zen Buddhism, Ensō represents a circle drawn in one or two movements. The fact that this circle may not be perfectly round does not matter in this regard; rather, this imperfection is embraced in the Wabi Sabi philosophy.”  

After an intensive medical period filled with insecurity, Rik created his own version of the Ensō circle for his exam project, using the shape of a chair as the archetype. The chair that usually has the function of carrying weight and being strong symbolizes here the vulnerability and imperfection of the body. 

I see the chair as a symbol of strength, because a chair is designed to support weight.” 

Crafting personal processes: the designer's autonomy and collaborations

As an artist and designer, Rik emphasizes the importance of taking control of his creative process: “I believe in the power of self-direction while remaining open to seeking advice and collaborating with others. Rik's prototypes, among other projects, demonstrate his ability to navigate his own path and create engaging, thought-provoking designs. 

Beyond graphic design: embracing three-dimensional perspectives 

Although rooted in graphic design, I discovered my aptitude for spatial thinking and three-dimensional work during my time at AKI. At AKI, a multidisciplinary approach is nurtured. This complements Rik’s strong graphic focus, allowing him to explore and express his creativity through different mediums.  

Artistic vision and future aspirations: becoming a leading art director

Rik's journey from secondary vocational education (mbo) to AKI was driven by his desire to deepen his understanding of art and design. His ambition to become one of the world's top art directors remains unchanged, as he strives to create innovative and impactful work. Rik's determination, combined with his diverse skill set, paves the way for a promising future in the creative industry. 

Bridging art and society: engaging with the audience

I have a desire to connect with the audience and spark meaningful conversations. At AKI, I got opportunities to engage with societal issues. For example, my project "NIETALLEEN" (not alone), addresses anxiety and panic disorders. Through signs placed in the city, I provide a safe space for individuals to share their anxieties openly and anonymously.” Rik's work transcends the confines of the AKI, embracing interaction and creating art that resonates with a broader audience. 

Follow Rik 

Graduating from AKI ArtEZ and presenting his work at Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Rik is now ready to enter the professional world and make his mark on the creative landscape. With his unique perspective and skills, he will undoubtedly continue to innovate and inspire in his artistic career!