How humans shape nature
- Fine Art
- Design
“I’m fascinated with how people treat nature. Not necessarily the relationship between humans and nature, but how humans try to shape nature", says Sterre Arentsen, graduate Crossmedia Design at AKI ArtEZ in Enschede. Sterre takes you through her world of fascination with nature through a preview of her finals: a series of twelve photos that she took in the past few years.

Her series show what nature is according to her and how people treat it. But it also contains plenty of abstract images that capture Sterre’s fascination with nature:
Find your own way at AKI ArtEZ
Sterre says that the bachelor’s Crossmedia Design is open to all kinds of perspectives. “This study welcomes different types of people and ideas. The teachers like it when a student tackles an assignment in a completely different way than how it was intended. You’re allowed to think outside of the box.” She explains that Crossmedia Design is a study where you don’t merely get to know one medium, but instead you get exposed to all kinds of media. "So instead of learning how to create a poster or a sculpture, you learn to decide what type of medium you need to use per project. I really like this study and this academy. You’re free to do what you think is good, what feels right to you, and what fits your vision. You’re never stuck with one thing. You’re able to find your own path at this academy.”
"I would like to do a master’s abroad at some point. That said, I’m very satisfied with where I am now.”
Crossmedia Design
The unique bachelor’s Crossmedia Design in Enschede trains you to become a sought-after designer who is familiar with the entire media landscape. You choose you own place within it. During this study, there’s an emphasis on your individual development and choices. You get access to extremely well-quipped workshops and your own studio. After you graduate, you can use the title Bachelor of Arts and you’ll be able to work as a freelance media designer or at a design agency as a creative strategist.