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Frequently asked questions for employees

Of course, you can address all your questions about the canceling of educational activities to your manager. On this page, we would like to answer the most frequently asked questions to all of you. 

Update 09-07-2020  I 15.55

Go directly to questions about Personnel & Organisation

Questions start of academic year 2020-2021

Can study modules from the academic year 2019-2020 be completed retroactively within this academic year after 31 August 2020?

No. The academic year 2019-2020 ends on 31 August 2020, after which it is not possible to process any results within the academic year 2019-2020.

How should study modules from the academic year 2019-2020 that cannot be completed by 31 August 2020 due to the coronavirus be dealt with?

It is important to distinguish between education and testing.

a. Education

If part or all of the education of a study module is not offered due to the coronavirus, this must be made up in academic year 2020-2021.

There is no standard ArtEZ solution for this, and each course will have to customise its own solution, monitoring the studyability for the students. Catching up on education should not be at the expense of the studyability of the regular programmed education.

The student retains the right to a test and a resit in the academic year (see: Exception Note no. 1 dated 27/3/20 of the Board of Examiners and Education and Quality in connection with tests in the corona period).

b. Testing

If (only) the testing of a study module has not been offered due to the coronavirus, this will have to be made up in the academic year 2020-2021. The student retains the right to a test and a resit in the academic year (see: Exception Note no. 1 dated 27/3/20 of the Board of Examiners and Education and Quality in connection with tests in the corona period).

There are two options:

  1. The test (and possible resit) is offered to the student during the academic year 2020-2021 and the result will then officially fall in the academic year 2020-2021.
  2. Progressive testing is an option. This could be the case if a study module following the study module that was not completed due to the coronavirus in 2019-2020 is offered in the academic year 2020-2021. In that case, a pass for the study module from 2020-2021 could conclude the study module from 2019-2020 at the same time. A policy rule for progressive testing drawn up by the Board of Examiners is the guiding principle (see: POLICY RULE no. 170411b dated 11 April 2011 on PROGRESSIVE TESTING Revised version of 5 March 2020). Progressive study modules have to be identified as such in the education and test programme of the Course & Examination Regulation. 

Do graduating students who still have to catch up on part of their graduation have to (re)register?

Yes. These students need to register in order to be able to attend classes and/or take tests. If a student is not enrolled on a course, they cannot graduate from ArtEZ.

Are these graduating students financially compensated?

Yes. The graduating students are financially compensated by the government. All information about this can be found here: https://duo.nl/particulier/corona/geld-ov-studie-en-terugbetalen.jsp.

Do students who want to discontinue their studies but still want to finish certain modules of the academic year 2019-2020 that have not been completed due to the coronavirus have to re-register?

Yes. This specific group of students also has to register in order to be able to receive education and/or take tests. A student can deregister after completion of the study module in order to keep the extra costs to a minimum.

Questions related to education

How do I help a student in need?

Our Student Support Fund is designed to donate a modest, but vital sum of money to alleviate the acute financial distress of – mainly international – students. However, we cannot do this without your contribution! You can donate via this link, enter an amount and choose Start payment. 

More about Student Support Fund

What about the Negative Binding Advice (NBA)? 

Insufficiently progressing first year’s bachelor students will not be receiving an NBA. They are allowed to continue their course and join the second registration year. However, in the second year they still can receive an NBA. We advise them to discontinue their course in time might they foresee not to progress sufficiently in their second year. And to seek advice from their academic career advisor or student counsellor.

How will tests be dealt with? 

Tests which can be taken online will be held. Any doubt or questions, please turn to your course’s  Board of Examiners. 

Can admission tests or auditions be held online? 

It is determined per course whether admissions can be held online and whether earlier determined timing can continue. Normal procedures still apply. Might you have any questions, please turn to the  Board of Examiners for your course. 

Are RE:LINK and the Arnhem Student Point accessible? 

Yes, in Zwolle students can still reach RE:LINK. Pastor Martin Jans is available. Go to https://www.relink-zwolle.nl/ for the latest updates. 
In Arnhem students can still reach Arnhem Student Point. All activities are cancelled but you can still make an appointment for a personal telephone call with Iris Springvloet. Go to the ASP website for more information.

How can I connect with the Servicebedrijf departments?

All Servicebedrijf departments can be reached from Monday till Friday, from 9.00 - 16.00 both via phone as well as via email. Please find the contact details per department below.

- Student affairs
Please mail your phone number if you would like to be contacted by phone  

026 35 35 679 / ict@artez.nl  

- Marketing & Communications
026 35 35 758 / communicatie@artez.nl

- Personnel & Organisation
026 35 35 851 / peno@artez.nl

- Finance
026 35 35 682/ fez@artez.nl

- Facilities
026 35 35 700 / faz@artez.nl

- Mediatheek
026 35 35 675 / m.moonen@artez.nl

- Education & Quality
026 35 35 722 / onderwijs-kwaliteit@artez.nl

 Questions about Personnel & Organisation 

Do I come to ArtEZ to work?

For the time being, the principle remains that all ArtEZ colleagues work from home, unless your manager asks you to come to ArtEZ. This also applies to externals and freelancers. Now that the corona measures have eased somewhat, more work is being carried out at the ArtEZ locations. But everything is still in consultation with managers and only in specific situations. If you are asked to come to an ArtEZ location and you find it stressful, please discuss this with your manager. It is also possible to consult the company doctor. All ArtEZ buildings are furnished according to the RIVM guidelines so that you can do your work safely.

Will my wages be continued to be paid?

If you are under contract at ArtEZ, you will be continued to be paid. Alongside your supervisor, you will research the possibilities to continue your work activities as much as possible. Externals may reach out to their regular contact concerning the execution of the work activities/assignment.

The regulation to reduce working hours (regeling werktijdverkorting) is not applicable to our sector. In its place has come a temporary emergency measure ‘Bridging for the purpose of keeping Employment opportunities’: NOW (Noodmaatregel Overbrugging ten behoeve van behoud van Werkgelegenheid).

What should I do if my contract is ending?

If you have a temporary contract that ends within this schoolyear, your supervisor will know about this. Contact your supervisor in case you have any questions about the continuation of your employment.

What should I do in case I am sick?

If you become ill and it is not a case of corona contamination, then we ask you to report this through the regular procedure (you could also break a leg while working from home). If you have the suspicion that you do have the Coronavirus, please follow the same reporting procedure. We ask you to specifically inform your supervisor about that. This with regards to locating the source and possible contaminations and our reporting obligation towards the GGD (Common Health Service).

Will appointments with the company doctor be continued?

The appointments with the company doctor will be looked at separately, but in principle be changed to telephone consultation hours. The company doctor, by the way, plays no role in diagnosing the Coronavirus. This is the general physician’s role. 

Is my supervisor allowed to ask if I have health problems?

That is allowed, but you are not obligated to answer. You may answer if you want to, but an employer is not allowed to collect and register medical data and therefore neither your answer to that question.

How can I work (from home) and keep the balance between work and private life?

In this period it is extra difficult, while working from home, to keep a balance between work and home life. The situation can also be further complicated whenever family members are ill or you have to combine caring for kids with doing your job. Discuss with your supervisor what you would need to arrange this well. In this FAQ you will also find several tools that can support you with this.

Many employees like the idea of using their Flexible Employability Hours (DI-hours) now, for instance for the purpose of childcare. In consultation with the supervisor, the employer can provide care leave in case of illness or necessary nursing of direct family members. The standard regulation care leave is applicable. It is also possible that emergency leave can be claimed. Emergency leave can take several days at the most. This is at the discretion of the supervisor.  

Tips and tools that can support you:

  • Online Helpdesk Working Healthily from Home
    Undoubtedly the corona virus has had an enormous impact on you as well. On your work. On your daily life. It is a completely new situation for us all. Are you looking for tips and inspiration for finding a comfortable work rhythm? How do you make sure the kids are doing their schoolwork, the dog is being walked en you yourself are able to get all of your work chores done in peace? And all of this also under healthy circumstances. Do you have a question about exercise, sleep, recovery, relaxation, healthy eating, working dynamically or finding balance between work and spare time? An advisor from Pim Mulier will gladly help you with those! The experts can be reached through number 047 87 45 198. The helpdesk can be reached on weekdays, from 8:00-18:00 hrs. You can also mail them at gezondthuiswerken@pimmulier.nl and ask to be called back. We strive to answer these mails within 1 workday.
  • Online Floortalk A Day of Working Healthily from Home
    Working from home comes with a lot of changes. Set routines are impossible to maintain and there is a search for a new equilibrium. Especially now, during these times, it is important to keep grip and give direction to your own vitality. How do you make sure you stay fit and healthy? How do you create a comfortable working rhythm under healthy circumstances, while getting all of your work chores done? How do you achieve balance between work and spare time? During the Pim Mulier Floortalk about working healthily from home, all questions concerning exercise, sleep and recovery, nourishment, relaxation and working dynamically will be discussed.
  • The floortalk will be live on Thursday April 23rd at 02:00 PM and this floortalk will take approximately half an hour. In a sequal to this floortalk it will be possible to pose further questions. The floortalk can be followed via the following link: Click here! 
  • On Tuesday April 28th at 11:00 AM the floortalk also can be followed via: Click here!

Where can I call with questions regarding to what this situation means to me as an ArtEZ employee?

For all questions regarding the current situation, you can contact your supervisor or the HRM department through: peno@artez.nl or 026-3535851. Other forms of support can be found below!

Are you in need of a coaching session?             

We are noticing that because of the current circumstances concerning the Coronavirus, more complaints of strain, stress, fear and anxiety arise in many people. Working from home also can be an enormous challenge.

Through GORT-coaching, every ArtEZ salaried employee is being offered an hour of online coaching. This conversation can take place via Skype. Talking to a professional may give you insight that can help you to get through this period. Think of themes such as:

  • How do I cope with the current situation?
  •  How do I stay focussed and motivated?
  • Working from home with kids: how does one do that, actually?
  • How do I make sure I feel less lonely?
  • How do I make sure no more irritations arise now that (almost) everyone is working from home?
  • How do I contain a rhythm in a day?
  • I experience more stress and fear. How do I handle this?

You can send your request via:  https://gortcoaching/kies-jouw-coach

ATTENTION PLEASE: Use code #speciale aanbieding 320. This offer is valid until 31 May 2020 and meant for all employees under ArtEZ contract that have not already started a coaching trajectory at GORT-coaching.

 Do you need assistance from the company physician?

The Health and Safety Service at ArtEZ has established a Corona helpline. This helpline is meant for questions that employees might have concerning work activities and for which a specific answer is desirable, such as:

  • Was does my chronic disease mean with regards to my current way of working?
  • Which risks do I take while working and how do I handle these best?
  • How do I translate the RIVM advice to my personal situation?
  • Where else can I call to with specific questions?

The professionals at Rendemens are available workdays from 8.30 – 9.30 hrs through telephone number 0318 – 301493, or through info@rendemens.com

Would you like to know more about an optimal home workplace?

Advice concerning the use and settings of furniture, method and tools is given in the TIGRA e-learning below. You can even receive personal advice through live video contact with an advisor. In this way, your home workplace can be evaluated immediately. If you would be helped out with for instance a monitor, a keyboard or a mouse to improve your workplace with, please contact your supervisor.

Do you have any other questions? Please contact the P&O (HRM) department at 026-353 5581 or peno@artez.nl

Click here for the e-learning website

Can I make a claim for day-care?

The cabinet thinks it is important that people with crucial professions are able to keep working and that day-care is available for them. “Teachers and personnel that are needed at school” are included in the target group of crucial professions.

See this link for more information: https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/coronavirus-covid-19/veelgestelde-vragen-over-coronavirus-en-kinderopvang

How does ArtEZ deal with vacations?

From 17 July to 10 August all ArtEZ buildings are closed for any educational activities, as is usual. The Agnietenplaats, Kortestraat and the Lab in Zwolle are still a subject of discussion. Contrary to previous years teaching/ educational activities may take place during the other weeks, provided they are registered at FAZ. The buildings have been adapted to the national guidelines issued by RIVM to provide a safe workplace.

If you continue working in the weeks before and after the summer closure, you may not use up all your leave hours. The starting point is to use up those hours at a later time in this calendar year (if feasible). Discuss with your manager how to deal with this.

It is important that you take a holiday just like normal. Even now that you may have to give it a different interpretation than you initially intended. Working during this special period requires a greater effort and thus resting is extra important.

When planning your vacation, pay attention to the travel advice from the government!
The government advice is to stay in the Netherlands.
Traveling to an area with yellow travel advice ("be extra careful") such as Germany is fine.
Traveling to an area with orange travel advice (“only necessary travel”), such as outside Europe, is risky. For example, you may not be entitled to wages if you have to be quarantined after your holiday or cannot return home on time. The advice is not to travel to areas with orange travel advice.

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