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October 14, 2021

VSBfonds grants for ArtEZ students

Three ArtEZ students have been awarded a VSBfonds grant. Mike Meurs, Julia van Eijden and Simone van Saarloos were selected and are among the 168 grant recipients. The VSBfonds makes grants available to students who want to continue their studies or do research abroad. Involvement with the community and motivation are particularly important criteria for the grant.

Mike Meurs goes to London for a master degree in music

Mike Meurs did the Jazz & Pop bachelor course in Arnhem, majoring in Composition for Film & Theatre. He currently lives in London, where he is doing a master course at the Royal College of Music. “I think it's important to be able to teach: I'd like to do that. I also want to develop myself further in the field of orchestration and production. The great thing about this master is that composition, music and research are covered and that you can focus on how you present yourself – as well as on teaching.”

Before Mike enrolled on his master course, he was already involved in education. “I'm building a platform for music and music lessons, which is growing larger and larger.” After his studies in London, Mike wants to expand this platform even further. “Maybe I'll come back to the Netherlands then, or maybe not yet. I had to wait a long time before I could come here, because I had a gap year due to corona: now everything's opening up a bit, and I can really enjoy myself again, experience things. I don't know yet, but in any case I want to be a film composer, preferably for animation. Arranging things.” In any case, he has come to the right place in London. “The bachelor course at ArtEZ was good, but a little smaller – more art house. Here you also come across the big names in the industry, real Hollywood composers, helping you learn how things work there. I want to develop further in the film industry, but probably in Europe. And who knows, teaching, too.”

Julia van Eijden to Tuscany for sculpting  

Julia van Eijden, who graduated this summer from AKI Fine Art Sculpture, has also received a VSBfonds grant. Julia will use the grant for a work period in Italy, at 'La Meridiana, international school of ceramics’. In early 2022 she will leave for Tuscany for three months to follow an intensive short course where she can further master turning and firing techniques. That course has enrolled a total of eight students, who can stay together for the work period in a house facilitated by La Meridiana.

Simone van Saarloos to California for PhD in Rhetoric 

Simone van Saarloos did the master course DAI Art Praxis (Dutch Art Institute). She received the grant for a PhD in Rhetoric at the University of California, Berkeley. “I've been appointed for at least five years and have been living in the East Bay / Ohlone land since the summer. I study mostly under Fumi Okiji and am currently taking courses such as Disability Theory & Anthropology from Karen Nakamura and Laure Wilkie. I'm also taking a Place Based subject.”

Simone can't say much about her final research yet – we'll see in a few years'. In the meantime, we can become acquainted with her short film 'Apologies For Breaking In', which has been selected for screening at The San Francisco Transgender Film Festival (SFTFF) in November.


More grant recipients than expected

This year 168 students received a grant out of a total of 467 applications. The fact that three ArtEZ students are among them is very special: that number is above the expected quota. This means that the selection procedure was carried out with care and attention and that the applications scored highly on social components.

About VSBfonds

The VSBfonds makes grants available to students who want to continue their studies or do research abroad. When applying, commitment to your community and motivation are key. There is one application round per year.

  • More info about VSB grants can be found here.