ContactHead of studies: Frank Tazelaar: teacher, artistic director of CELA, president of the EACWP.
Substantive coordination: Hanan Faour, writer, researcher, teacher.
Chat with our staff
The team shaping and running the master:
Lyzette Siepman – coordination and student affairs.
Frederike Luijten – writer and teacher, project learning.
Monique Warnier – coordination and exchange.
Cornelia Spiess – post graduate education specialist.
Javier Sagarna – writer and teacher, head of studies at Escuela de Escritores Madrid.
Nacho Ferrando - writer and teacher, Escuela de Escritores Madrid.
Martino Gozzi: writer and teacher, head of studies at Scuola Holden.
Simone Fenoil: coordination Scuola Holden.
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