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Art-Based Learning

What is the role of the arts in the world that we live in? How does Art-Based Learning open up new ways of thinking about the future? How do we become the builders of our future, using creativity as a tool? Can we activate futures through our Art-Based Learning practices? How do we understand the materiality, politics and affect of our learning communities?

Art-Based Learning

Art-Based Learning is an innovative educational concept for art reception for use both in the school system and outside it. It is about the creative dialogue between the spectator and the artwork.

A series of courses for Art-Based Learning have been developed and offered by the collaboration between the Professorship Art education as Critical Tactics (AeCT) and CultuurCollege. Additionally, a series of online masterclasses about Art-Based Learning has been in development and presentation. The masterclasses offer short, insightful, critical, creative, playful, provocative, and practical insights that showcase the core ideas, principles, and practices of the Professorship Art education as Critical Tactics at ArtEZ. Following Art-Based Learning. Handbook Creative Education (Coutinho 2020), the series consists of six modules that help understand the process, practice, and implementation of Art-Based Learning to create creative futures. The masterclasses have been developed in addition to the exhibition Mieke Bal | Kunst uit Noodzaak in cooperation with guest curator Jeroen Lutters.