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Final Exam Kasper Jansen - Jazz & Pop Drums

Final Exam Kasper Jansen - Jazz & Pop Drums

'Colors Within Me' is the graduation concert of drummer Kasper Jansen. Together with Karel Houtzager (piano) and Koen wortelboer (bass) he forms a contemporary jazz trio called 'Mosaic Trio', which mixes classical influences with contemporary jazz in its own compositions. Inspired by artists such as Avishai Cohen, Aaron Parks and Joel Lyssarides, you are invited to join them on their musical journey through vibrant, colorful compositions that capture the imagination.
Finals exhibition ArtEZ Art & Design and Master courses Zwolle

Finals exhibition ArtEZ Art & Design and Master courses Zwolle

Architecture and Interior
Education in Art
Graduates of the ArtEZ Academy for Art & Design and Master programs in Zwolle will show their final work from July 3 to 7 at the Sophia Building in Zwolle. Everyone is welcome to come and admire the graduation work and get to know the new generation of makers. Check the agenda items at the bottom for the side program.
Finals exhibition | Art & Design Arnhem

Finals exhibition | Art & Design Arnhem

Creative Writing
Education in Art
Behind the scenes of ArtEZ Academy of Art & Design Arnhem, graduates are working hard on the Finals exhibitions! Fourth-year students Product Design, Creative Writing, Fashion Design, BEAR Fine Art, Docent Beeldende Kunst en Vormgeving, Design Art Technology and Graphic Design will show their projects from July 3 to 7, 2024. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the graduation work and get to know the new generation of artists.
