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Corpo-real Discourse Programme with Sharon Stewart: Deep Listening

Deep Listening® cultivates a heightened awareness of the sonic environment, both external and internal, and promotes experimentation, improvisation, collaboration, playfulness and other creative skills vital to personal and community growth.

ArtEZ Zwolle, room L0.01 (LAB building) Bagijneweide 33 Zwolle

 “Yes, Deep Listening is the foundation for a radically transformed social matrix in which compassion and love are the core motivating principles guiding creative decision making and our actions in the world.”  - Pauline Oliveros in Sounding the Margins, 2010, p. 90

During this workshop we will slow down and attune to our minds and bodies through movement. We will tune into the reverberant acoustic space and built surfaces through listening meditations. And we will tune into each other through Deep Listening pieces and text scores (working in small groups) that focus specifically on exploring the sonic environment and sharing (with the whole group) ways of interacting with what we notice and hear.

At the end there will be time for a sharing circle for us all to talk together briefly about our current interests and/or research. And, hopefully, we will also have fun as we learn and explore together! 

What is needed: It would be great if you can bring your favorite journaling or note-taking tool. Also, comfortable clothing and water bottle are recommended.

Sharon Stewart is a Researcher with the Professorship Theory in the Arts at ArtEZ University of the Arts. She is also a Field Recordist & Sound Designer and Deep Listening® Facilitator and Senior Teacher, as well as Associate Editor of Journal of Sonic Studies