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Information evening Graphic Design Part-time

Discover the endless possibilities of learning and growing! Are you working in the creative sector? Do you want to keep challenging yourself and develop your skills even further? Our four-year part-time Graphic Design program will train you to become a conceptual designer who creates relevant and authentic work for clients and/or audiences.

ArtEZ Rhijnvis Feithlaan 50 Zwolle, Central hall

Sign up for the information session on July 5! This evening is not just a standard open evening; you will get an exclusive glimpse of our final exhibition, where the work of our graduating students will be shown. This gives you a taste of what you can expect during your studies. The open evening starts at 4 p.m. and includes a tour of our academy, an exhibition, and a presentation about the part-time Graphic Design program.

Discover your potential and make the move to a career in Graphic Design.

We use Eventbrite for reservations.


Fine Art , Design