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#finalsfriday 7: a collection of all finals work!

  • Fine Art
  • Design
  • Fashion
  • Creative Writing
  • Music
  • Dance
  • Theatre
  • Architecture and...
  • Education in Art

In this final #finalsfriday, you'll find your very last chance to see the finals work of our students with your own eyes. Can't make it? No stress... At artez.nl/finals, you can browse through all that impressive final work at your leisure.

Photo: Nico van Manen
Photo: Nico van Manen

Check out the agenda one more time!

In our agenda, you'll find the last remaining crumbs of finals. You can still visit the finals exhibitions of our Art & Design academies in Arnhem and Zwolle until July 9th. In Enschede, you have until July 7th. After that, the doors of our academies will close for a well-deserved summer break.

To the agenda

Curious about the stories behind the finals work?

You had to be a very fast reader to keep up with the pace at which the finals stories appeared on our website. At artez.nl/stories, you can read the stories behind the graduation work of our finals students. How did they start their education? What challenges did they encounter? How did their graduation work come to life, and lastly: do they have any tips for future students? Great reading material for the summer holidays!

To the stories

Browse through the graduation projects on the student pages

Want to take another good look at that amazing work from the exhibition? Wondering who was on stage at that dance performance again? Or curious about all the work you haven't seen yet? Go to artez.nl/finals. Here you'll find the final projects of our 2023's graduates.

To the student pages

Don't want to miss out? Follow us on social media

We'll also be taking a summer break on our social media platforms, but if you start following us now, you won't miss a thing in the next academic year. Plus, you can still watch the takeovers of our finals students in our Instagram highlights. Perfect for rainy summer days, because the enthusiasm of our finals students is contagious!