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Who is the cultural talent of Overijssel? Nominate your favourite for the Culture Awards!

You can now nominate your favourite candidate for the Culture Prize Overijssel and the Culture Talent of Overijssel. How nice would it be if an ArtEZ student or alumnus wins, just like last year?

MINKA Cultuurtalent Overijssel last year | photo: Mike Jurriën
MINKA Cultuurtalent Overijssel last year | photo: Mike Jurriën

Even though the cultural sector has suffered because of covid, there were many special and surprising art projects, performances, exhibitions or initiatives to see, hear and experience. What stood out in the past year? Register your favourite at www.cultuurprijsoverijssel.nl. You can nominate persons, groups or organizations from the entire province of Overijssel until Friday 22 April. Culture makers in the broadest sense of the word are eligible: from music to theater and dance, and from visual arts and design to architecture. In addition to a work of art and a certificate, the winners will receive a handsome sum of €10,000 (for the winner of the Cultuurtalent prize in the form of a project subsidy). A great way to appreciate the culture makers from our province.

Laurien Timmermans in the jury

Have you seen the broadcast of RTV Oost? Laurien Timmermans, Director of the Academy of Music and board member of the Cultuurprijs Overijssel, was a guest there. As a member of the board of the Stichting Cultuurprijs Overijssel, Laurien is mainly involved in talent development and (classical) music.

From 13 minute 40 onwards, the Cultuurprijs Overijssel will be discussed.

And the winner is...

The winners of the two culture prizes will be announced in May. The award ceremony will take place on 19 September during a festive evening at Theater de Spiegel in Zwolle. The program of the award ceremony is made together with the winners and is completely devoted to art and culture in Overijssel and the two winners in particular. An annual highlight for cultural Overijssel.

Winners ‘21

Ralph Keuning received the Culture Prize Overijssel last year. And MINKA from Deventer, who graduated from the Academy of Pop Music in Enschede, was proclaimed 'Cultural Talent of Overijssel 2021'. MINKA joined an impressive list: Typhoon, Johanneke Ter Steege, and Tiemen Stemerding were previous winners.

The Cultuurprijs Overijssel is made possible by the Prince Bernhard Cultuurfonds and the Province of Overijssel.