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Stuff and Bodies poetry collection

Stuff and Bodies poetry collection

Willemijn: “I have written a collection of poems. Well, 10 poems, does that count as a collection?
OK, so I have a collection of poems called Stuff and Bodies. The issue I am really preoccupied with is the climate crisis. As an individual there is something you can do, but if politicians do nothing I am asking myself whether I want to bring children into the world. My poems are written from the point of view of a character who is also concerned about this. Like me, she views with bemusement a mediatised world in which everyone just consumes images and she feels powerless. She devises exercises to restore her sense of calm.

I think I've always had strong views, but I never used to believe I could make a difference. Now I feel that my writing may at least make someone think and perhaps that person will pass the message on.“

One of Willemijn's poems:

Brb on holiday wearing my favourite new lipstick

My self-hate is the product of years of targeted marketing
I should be working out, but I bought myself some shoes designed by Kylie Jenner
to make myself feel better, I am considering liposuction
I sit in my living room being basic and I wait till something happens

I peel the lobster that was alive until just now and screamed as it boiled to death
My fingers drip with fat, I saw a verified influencer eat this on Instagram
My belly hangs over my pyjama trousers, I wipe my hands on the soft fabric
It's four o'clock in the afternoon and I should be dieting

Have affairs so people talk about you
Always be the last person to leave
Masturbate: self-love is an act of resistance
Eat junk food and fail to connect with your peers

Willemijn Kranendonk tekende op 20 juni een contract voor haar debuutroman bij Uitgeverij Van Oorschot.
On 20 June, Willemijn signed a contract with Van Oorschot publishers for her debut novel.