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Rachit Puri
Rachit Puri


Sound is all around us, a constant presence in our lives. Anything that moves makes a sound, and our ears are always open, continually receiving these auditory signals. We might choose to focus on certain sounds or let them blend into the background, operating at an unconscious level. Sound is not only heard but it is also felt. Our bodies perceive vibrations, adding another layer to our sensory experience.

Architecture traditionally focuses on designing spaces, with sound often considered a byproduct of this creation. The sounds generated by human interaction, movement, and use of these spaces create a unique soundscape. This auditory environment profoundly impacts our experience of space, influencing us emotionally and physically, either consciously or unconsciously. Essentially, when we design a space, we also compose its soundscape.

In my project, I aimed to invert this traditional paradigm. Instead of treating sound as a secondary consideration, I explored the concept of creating a soundscape first and then forming the space around it or letting the sound itself create a space. My research focused on understanding the emotional resonance and physical impact of sound, investigating how it influences our perception of space. This led me to the central question: Can sound create space?

Sonic Whirlpool: Creating the feeling of a contracting and expanding space using spatial sound.

The result is an immersive and interactive space that uses sound as a fundamental tool for creation. This approach opens up new possibilities for imagining and experiencing space, redefining what it can be.

As a semi-professional musician and audio production hobbyist, music has always been a distinct passion separate from my work in architecture. In this project, I sought to blend these two worlds. By merging my deep fascination with sound and the architectural knowledge I have gathered over the years, I aspired to create a space that offers a profound spatial-sonic experience.

Descent: Creating the feeling of perpetual descent in a static elevator using sound.

This page was last updated on May 7, 2024