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ChiaYu Chiu
Chia Yu Chiu

Grief container: The sense of 莊嚴神聖

I have always been interested in atmospheric space and creating it. 'What is being utilized to achieve a certain ambience?', 'How are emotions translated into spatial vocabularies?', and 'What helps us connect our feelings to space?' These questions have driven my studies at ArtEZ over the past two years. While studying at CorpoReal, I have learned how to research both bodily and spatially, and I have been given the complete freedom to explore my interests. I enjoy manipulating materials and atmospheres to facilitate meaningful dialogues and reveal the spatial truths between my personal urgencies and social realities.

Models that are created to experiment with achieving certain feelings.
In my theoretical paper, I delved into the architectural meaning of the sublime. This exploration stemmed from my fascination with the sense of wonder, awe, and transcendent experience that gives us goosebumps all over the body when stepping into a space. I discovered a Taiwanese columbarium during my research, studying this dignified building and Taiwanese funeral customs made me realize the importance of connecting to my culture and understanding how spaces can evoke profound emotional responses.

Funerals and grief are full of emotions. We often face the cemetery, the last place we say farewell to our family with fear. What kind of architecture will be able to drive away the fear, bear the emptiness of emotion and memory, and at the same time be a space for us to settle down and recollect the past? We need a carrier for grief and loss, it does not mean what we left behind after we passed, but it means what kind of space encourages us to face our fear.

Architect YuHan Michael Lin

Eventually, the journey has brought me back to the phrase 莊嚴神聖(zhuāng yán shén shèng). It roughly translates to sacred, honourable, solemn, and inviolable, capturing the sensations experienced during serious occasions and formal settings like funerals. It then becomes the root and essence of my graduation project: Grief Container.
This project consists of four aspects:
  • The energy and concentration one plunges into space to provide meaning: This involves building a space that requires and rewards mental investment, thereby making the experience authentic, exquisite, and serious.
  • A carrier where people can express their lament and sorrow: This aspect focuses on creating a physical vessel within the space where individuals can have a moment of privacy to leave their grieving expressions.
  • The embodiment of the ever-changing nature of life: The design reflects life's various dimensions—transient and dynamic, through the use of natural light, moving parts of installation, and interactive components that resemble time.
  • The symbolic element serves as a threshold: It hints to people that an invisible area is marked, metaphorically suggesting boundaries. Emotions are aroused and guided by the connotation and perception of the space.
Finally, I would like to dedicate this project to those who have lost loved ones and experienced grief. It is intended for participants to ultimately find closure. By providing a setting that fosters reflection and resonance, I hope to create an environment that helps us achieve inner peace and mindfulness.
In memory of my beloved grandfather.

This page was last updated on May 7, 2024