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Merel van Kesteren
Merel van Kesteren



Cyber Symbiosis: Portals of Transcendence to Liquified Reality is a video installation that challenges traditional structures of power in cyberspace by exploring the potential for fluidity and re-imagination in digital interfaces. Drawing from cyber-feminist principles, it advocates for the liquifying of gender; there's much more to discover than just zeros and ones. Instead, there are transdimensional possibilities for interaction and hybrid methods of representation in the digital realm.


It is a potent reminder that the cyborg body is an intertwined game of both human and machine, experiencing their surroundings affected by tech-developers. Glitching and nostalgia reveal machine flaws, providing time for reflection. With its neon slime skins dripping out of the hardware, data poetry and visual metaphors the installation invites online beings on a journey for an ethereal future with new cyber-visions of our digital destiny.  






This page was last updated on June 18, 2023