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Valeria Vangelista attended the Starters Program and this came at exactly the right time for her

The ArtEZ Starters Program was a breath of fresh air for me. It gave a pragmatic dive into the realities of entrepreneurship and how to start a business. It also came at exactly the right time for me.

Valeria Vangelista attended the Starters Program and this came at exactly the right time for her


An important concept that I learned during my Illustration Design program at ArtEZ, something I'll always carry with me, is the notion of 'letting go'. To me, that represents the ability to claim your freedom, to experiment, to learn from your mistakes so that you can develop your creativity to the fullest. Of course, the freedom to express yourself and explore new horizons is essential to every creative soul, but how do I translate my passion into a job that allows me to make a living? How do I assert my place in the world as an entrepreneur? During my studies, we didn't spend much time on those questions, but I finally got my answers at the ArtEZ Starters Program.

The program was divided into four workshops that gave me a clear and structured overview of what it takes to get into a position where you can live off your creative passion. During the two-day workshop, I was given tools and basic knowledge that enable me to develop my entrepreneurship independently and more confidently. The program helped me understand where I was lacking focus, and to effectively present myself to the world as an artist (in a single sentence).

This kind of reflection on my drive to become an independent creative entrepreneur was exactly the boost I needed at that time. During my studies, I worked as a waitress in a restaurant. My plan was to keep this job to have a small, reliable income, and to invest the rest of my time in my business. I intended to combine my personal projects on graphic techniques with collaborations with other artists, organizations and local governments who shared my drive to make a positive social impact. Unfortunately, COVID-19 turned the world upside down, and what should have been a part-time job quickly turned into a full-time position, leaving me no time to make art. By the time the Startup Program began, I was at my wits' end.

It was enormously valuable to me to discuss my concerns with trained professionals. But it was even better to return to an environment where art is constantly discussed and experienced. This rekindled my passion and gave me renewed determination to fight for it. One thing I heard during the program was especially impactful to me: that only those who are really driven to make art will succeed in their aims. This was like pouring gasoline on the fire for me. It gave me back the drive that I'd been missing for a few months.

Thanks to the Starters Program, I have the courage to dream again. I'm more resolved than ever to have my own graphic studio. There, I'll be able to work both on my own projects and collaborate with others who share my passion for graphic techniques. But above all, it gave me the courage to get in touch with organizations who share my commitment to social issues. It's already resulted in an interesting collaboration, but I can't tell you more about it yet. I'm still a superstitious Italian ;).

Claiming a place for yourself in the world as an artist and entrepreneur is difficult, and it can feel impossible to start once you've graduated. But the truth is that the creative industry is just an ocean full of fish, and you need to learn to swim in it. Thanks to the Startup Program and the tools it gave me, my passion is renewed and I feel confident that there will be a place in that ocean just for me.

Valeria Vangelista, an Italian, moved to the Netherlands (Zwolle) in August 2016 to study Illustration Design at ArtEZ. She graduated in 2020 and currently works as a translator for a company that sells tools online to save for her own graphic studio. In addition, she teaches classes and courses on graphic techniques at Quintus Center for Art and Art Education in Kampen and she collaborates on a semi-monthly basis with other artists and local government stakeholders in various places in the Netherlands.

Ready To Start?

ArtEZ alumni who are about to start their own business can join the (free) Starters program of the ArtEZ Business Centre. During the workshops, we help you clarify how you can do business that suits you and where you need to focus. Finally, you will investigate what your position as an artist can be in the cultural field. There is a lot of attention for personal and individual guidance so everyone can work from their unique business concept.

 for more information and how to apply: Starters Program