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Puck Melk
Puck Melk

Through the use of different media; moving images in the broadest sense, installations and performative objects, Puck Melk explores how to receive, display, celebrate, embrace and question everyday life in a very detailed and a slightly recognizable way. She catches specific perceptions of daily life and captures them in time and space. By using her poetic and choreographic methodology, Puck uncovers the ambiguous mysteries hidden behind this banal reality. Through perceiving the world as moving choreographies, which move within themselves and in connection and relation to each other, Puck manages to equate the banality of the minor with the cosmic and sublime. This interplay in scale and its accompanying content evokes an intense tension through which the perceiver will naturally perform their own choreography.

Puck reconstructs and deepens intriguing observations through the use of fragmentation, rhythm, repetition, perspective and the movement of the details of daily life; such as structures, actions, habits and sensory perceptions. We quickly and often overlook these observations, because we take them for granted. In the work The Grammar of Gravity (2023), she reconstructs such observations centred around gravity, which then provide access to existential questions, with the aim of conveying this existential longing and encouraging others to perceive the ‘real’ life: A life full of ambiguous meanings within its details, where the ‘choreographies of life’ embody us and we, as humans, embody them.

This page was last updated on June 15, 2023