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Piano & Keys

Piano & Keys


Check which subjects you take per academic year in the in the Piano & Keys curriculum

Specific piano & keys admission requirements

In addition to the general admission criteria, there are also specific admission criteria for each instrument. You will prepare five pieces which differ somewhat in character and pace. These pieces can be in the style(s) of your choice, so you can play any form of jazz, latin or pop music, or a mix of these styles. During the audition, you will perform a maximum of three of the five prepared pieces. You are preferably accompanied by your own band or, if that is impossible, by students of the Academy of Music.

Important aspects that may be included in the audition and will also be taken into account during the evaluation phase:

  • playing with a rhythm section consisting of bass and drums at a minimum;
  • playing with a rhythm section consisting of bass and drums at a minimum;
  • showing an understanding of musical form, striking a balance in sound, demonstrating a beginning of an improvisation and being able to play different roles throughout the performance (solo, accompaniment, leading, following, responding);
  • mastering various piano techniques to a certain degree, such as legato, staccato, passagework, arpeggios, being able to produce dynamics, use of pedals;
  • being familiar with chord symbols and being able to translate them effectively into voicings;
  • being able to read sheet music at a level that does not hinder a proper performance in ensembles;
  • being able to function well socially in an environment involving a great deal of collaboration in all kinds of situations;
  • after a brief preparation, being able to play a piece from sheet music (G clef and F clef);
  • after a brief preparation, improvising on a provided chord scheme with deliberately selected harmonic and melodic material;
  • after brief preparation, improvising on a given chord scheme with deliberately selected harmonic and melodic material.