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Try-out Ylva Rietman - Master of Music Music theatre

Try-out Ylva Rietman - Master of Music Music theatre

Between Monday June 3 and Wednesday July 3 2024, the finalists of the Jazz & Pop, Music Theatre, Composition for Film and Theater (CFT) and the Master of Music programmes of the ArtEZ Academy of Music Arnhem will play their graduation performances.All final exams are free to the public from outside ArtEZ. For some final exams, a (free) ticket must be booked. If this is the case, it is indicated on the final webpage.
Final Exam Ezra Efde - Jazz & Pop Saxophone

Final Exam Ezra Efde - Jazz & Pop Saxophone

During this concert you will listen to live saxophone! Together with drums, bass, and piano you will hear own ideas, and existing music, with a free approach. Rhythm, melody, and harmony provide a platform for the musicians to convey intuition, interplay, and expression directly to the listener. You will hear music by Albert Ayler, Rahsaan Roland Kirk, and Scott Joplin, among others.Presented by Remco Efdé, known for Efdé&Efdé!