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Yaël Noij

Graphic Design
Yaël Noij
Yaël Noij


I set out to investigate alternative ways of growing and producing food. Like many others, I am used to the comfortable habits of buying food from around the globe in supermarkets made available by exploited distribution systems. To challenge those habits, I lived and worked on a permaculture farm in Germany. Permaculture farms exist to have a more permanent and regenerative role while working together to nature and place importance on giving the soil nutrients back to keep it healthy with microorganisms which will, in turn, give you a nutrient-dense crop.


When a system does a lot of harm, as an individual, you can still do things to challenge that system. In my project I'm showing ways how you might approach that; growing a portion of food yourself, supporting permaculture grown food and using permaculture-based principles in everyday life. This active research transformed into a documentary of three chapters: planting, growth and giving back. Together they represent the full cycle of plants. Each chapter is accompanied by a tray filled with organic soil that feeds the growing.


Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 18 juni 2023

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