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Suhyun Seo
Suhyun Seo


Catch the Sinking Emotion guides the viewer with simple actions that can help challenge negative emotions. All emotions are essential in life; even the ones that we consider negative. For example, a certain level of anxiety protects us and allows us to move forward in a future that contains uncertainties. When negative emotions become overwhelming it can feel like our lives can begin to sink. We believe what we think is truth, but this notion can be challenged. Truth can also be a fictional world in the mind where illusions have been created.


With this in mind it is important to consider how to deal with negative thought patterns. The act of searching for a word to express emotions can clarify the feelings of uncomfortableness. The act of writing can iso-late these thoughts and make them more tangi-ble. Finding and realizing the distortion that exists in our thoughts can help challenge the untruth, and allow for a more positive mindset.


The Rolling Shelf is a GDA shop that works as a platform to show and sell the work of students to a larger audience. Together with Prang Sayasilpi, we worked on designing and building the physi-cal cart, overall identity, and management of the system. The possibilities for expanding, adjusting and changing this shop are endless! Whatever you imagine, you can add to it. Find this cart/shop/shelf (whatever you say!) rolling around during the graduation show or


Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 17 juni 2023

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