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Rune Leysen
Rune Leysen

Who are you as a performer/artist?  
I don’t know (yet). I like to stay true to myself and have my personality reflect in what I do, but there is still so much for me to uncover. I feel like a curious child that tries to absorb as much information as possible. Just like I am evolving and understanding myself better on a personal level every day, I am evolving as an artist. My artistry is as much of myself as it is of the people around me that have inspired and guided me to become the person I am in this moment, right now.  
And I wouldn’t want it any other way.  
What are your ambitions? 
I would love to dance for the coming years in companies all over the world. Trying to get as many different inputs as possible. Then, after a while, I want to freelance. Using everything I learned before, to create my own work. 
Where do you find inspiration?  
Everywhere :)  
What did you do at your internship & what did you learn? 
I did my internship at Pfalztheater Kaiserslautern. Obviously I learned a lot when it comes to dance and performing. But during my internship, it mainly became clear to me how important it is to have a solution-based mindset. Because no matter the amount of preparation before hand, something can/will always go wrong. By thinking in solutions instead of problems, you find a lot of opportunities that otherwise would be missed, and you can create beautiful things. 
Favourite quote  

Being sensitive is not a bad thing, it is a blessing. Because you feel deeply, and that is what makes you a great artist. 
--- a teacher of Artez, thank you 

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 22 april 2023

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