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Rosa Poelmans

Design Art Technology
RosaPoelmans - Gif.It - Eva van Boxtel
Rosa Poelmans

In 1987 the GIF was born. That's already 34 years of having a moving image format that is small in size with high visual quality. Even though the GIF format hasn’t been updated since 1989, they are now used more than ever. GIFs are often used to give an extra layer of emotion to an online conversation, but using them in this way is downplaying their worth and not giving them enough credit. is a power outlet plug-in that brings a looping GIF to a boring socket, like an entertaining little nightlight. With absurdity and humour, this work gives the GIF a platform, a pedestal, a spotlight outside of the context of the internet.

Rosa Poelmans - from Design Art Technology Arnhem on Vimeo.

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 15 juli 2021

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