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Image: Sander Luske
Image: Sander Luske

Beads. connect to play, play to connect

With the collection Beads. connect to play, play to connect Rinske invites grown-ups to start playing again. We tend to forget to have fun and laugh enough, although it is scientifically proven that playing is crucial for the human brain. The collection consists of hundreds of beads made from different materials such as ceramics and plastics and a round table where the beads can be threaded on strings. In that way you can assemble your own necklace. This assembling takes place in a playful setting where you and your table-companions talk about happy childhood memories, future plans you look forward to and playfulness in your daily life. In Beads. connect to play, play to connect, connection takes place on five different levels: in between beads, in between the players and the beads, in between the players, in between past, present, and future and in between the wearer of the necklace and the people around him/her. Connect to play and play to connect!

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 15 juni 2023

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