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Paloma Franco Hempenius

MIA Franco Hempenius, Paloma 7
Paloma Franco Hempenius


The Restricted Space

            Redesigning the interior of public buses


From my personal experience of riding overcrowded buses for approximately 3 hours every day in my hometown Bogotá, Colombia, I was motivated to learn what was possible, as a designer, to change in the interior of the buses to make the commuters experience a more pleasant one. Within the enclosed space of the bus, I studied the restricted space and what it implied as a spatial matter and the relationship with the human body. Through this, I was able to understand which elements within the space were important in order to alter the feeling of the restricted space. The design concept considers not only how the restricted space is modified through physical elements but also in which way the space can shape the positioning of passengers within the bus creating invisible boundaries between passengers.

MIA Franco Hempenius, Paloma

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