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Ioanna Mitza
Ioanna Mitza

Ioanna Mitza (Athens, Greece 1990) 


Ioanna Mitza, a multidisciplinary artist currently working with movement improvisation, is interested in exploring and researching alterations in the way she moves. While improvisation in research may resonate as a great privilege, it remains confrontational, both to the body and its surroundings.  Parallel to figuring out such limits, she does an irrelevant-to-her-practice side job, helping her in understanding the potentiality of her body, which is set daily to perform a variety of contexts such as labour, education, creativity, leisure, entertainment, gender expression and more.  

She films.  She moves.  She films herself moving.  She improvises as she moves.   

“ Sheee […] maybe a hundred different things, within the measure of a day...” 

Ioanna is interested in applying her practice within the urban space. There, where the public and the private exchange their duties and set their priorities, where most of us perform our routines and develop our habits. How does the body adapt while everything is evolving so fast? Is it the place or is it the body?  

Endlessly fascinated to notice and understand how we shape through and later resemble the environment in which we were nurtured and shaped in, she is intrigued by how the body re-enacts behavioural manners in the various platforms of the private and the public. Although there is still a lot she doesn’t know about her own body, it fascinates her its accumulated experience being released through bodily movement.  

In her work, you will see her experimenting in various places around the city, often adapting or contrasting her movement to the surrounding environment. The sense of agency is actively present by recognizing the causal influences of her surroundings and other external factors.


Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 21 juni 2021

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