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Polina Titova Still Life
Polina Tsitova

Белы Хлеб Чырвоныя Буракі.
White Bread Red Beets

Browsing through the news.
Seeing peaceful protesters walking under White-Red-White flags.
Noticing increased violence towards them.
Why are they being arrested?

Born and raised in Belarus, I am looking at the ongoing protests in Minsk with pain in my heart. The peaceful protesters get violently arrested for carrying a White-Red-White flag. The symbol of the anti-government protests. Since March 2021, 7 months after the start of the protests, the White-Red-White flag is officially declared a symbol of extremism. Belarusian legislators simply created a new law to punish those involved in the production or the use of the White-Red-White flag.

Activism takes place in the moment of doing it and Белы Хлеб Чырвоныя Буракi (White Bread Red Beets) is a protest on its own. In response to the new law that declares the White-Red-White flag a symbol of extremism I designed new symbols of Belarusian anti-government protests. Flags made out of red and white objects that surround Belarusian people in their daily life. Those objects are not considered objects of extremism, but they can become accidentally illegal. Белы Хлеб Чырвоныя Буракi (White Bread Red Beets) shows that a lot of things that surround Belarusian people can be parts of anti-government protest.

About Polina Titova

Polina Titova (1995) is a good person, Belarusian passport holder, amateur film photographer and a recent graduate in graphic design. In design she is passionate about research and concept development, because there you can change the mundane and humdrum into something spectacular. She loves experiments at the intersection of art, technology and activism. She believes that design should be about the latest thing the world needs, it should be ethical and up to date.

She also takes great pleasure when she dances (trying to prove that she can), cooks something for the first time (trying to prove that she can), sings (trying to prove that she can) and hikes in new places (that she for sure can).


Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 9 juni 2021

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