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Merle Findhammer Still Life
Merle Findhammer

This Baby Universe

Humankind is scientifically capable of creating a universe. This Baby Universe is my speculative artistic rendering of such a 'baby universe'. I created many hand-drawn illustrations and digitally rendered moving animations. Through projecting this material on a three-dimensional multilayered surface made of textiles such as tule and translucent chiffon, I created the atmospheric space through which my baby universe is (re)presented. The installation is accompanied by a minimal soundscape of ambient noise.

Specifically the aspects of scale, size and perspective (how microscopic footage might look similar to galaxy-scale photographs) and the act of representation (what is real and what is speculative? If you feel the value or weight of something, does that mean it exists?) stood at the base of this audiovisual research.

The installation raises questions such as: What does a speculative atmosphere physically look like? How do we represent something we cannot perceive? Where does the boundary between translation, representation and creation lie? In answering all of these questions, This Baby Universe attempts to showcase what the form of life looks like.

About Merle Findhammer

Merle Findhammer (1999, she/her) is an interdisciplinary artist, writer and illustrator and soon-to-be graphic design graduate. She is mostly interested in autonomous work in all kinds of artistic disciplines. Her work revolves around audiovisual atmospheres, abstraction, exploration and (fictional) storytelling and is often based in illustration, written or spoken fiction, singing and installation. She also obsessively buys plants, loves playing Dungeons & Dragons, has a soft spot for musical theatre and likes listening to thunderstorms.


Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 9 juni 2021

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