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Mitchel Peters
Mitchel Peters

Archontic Sediments

You can never draw a field of flowers as cheerful as before, because you know it will cause you hay fever. You never feel the same innocent joy as when you first saw a train, because you travel with it every day. And your icon Woody from Toy Story is nothing more than a Meme format.

In his work Mitchel Peters (Oss, 1997) tries to reclaim the feeling of childlike innocence, which sadly has been lost long ago. The works (paintings or sculptures) mainly exist out of samples from the past and present, which when combined try to recreate an image or state of mind where innocence could be reclaimed. This desperate longing for the uninfluenced past, where no pre-obtained knowledge or experience is present, results in pieces which embody and resemble this tragic search. 

The path to eliminating any pre-obtained knowledge, goes as far as sampling earlier made graduation works, and press those samples into clay in a palimpsestic manner. Sadly, the truth about innocence is that it’s something which is hard to reclaim, and therefore these pieces will resemble the endless and timeless struggle for a clean and innocent slate.

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 3 november 2020

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